Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sanctuary Kelah
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Penangan udang galah sungai kuantan
Monday, January 4, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Bus Ekspress Tasik Kenyir
Sultan Mahmud Hydro Electric Power Station
The history of construction of the dam spanned for 15 years, which is from the planning stage to the completion of the dam. Actually it was first identified in 1961 but it proved uneconomic due to the small demand and the high cost of production. Early 1970’s the government revived the study and further site investigations was proceeded.
Even though the original survey for the project was in1972 the construction was started in 1978 and was completed in 1985. In 1987 the whole project was officially opened by his Royal Highness The Sultan of Terengganu Darul Iman and was named after the baginda Sultan "Sultan Mahmud Hydro Electric Power Station".
The main project site is located at Kuala Kenyir (about 55km from Kuala Terengganu). The main features of Kenyir Hydro Electric Project are a rock fill dam with 400 megawatts of generating plant. During the construction period, two temporary diversion tunnels were built for the purpose of diverting the rivers.
The normal capacity of the lake store is 13.6 billion cubic metres of water. Whereas the deepest point is 145 metres deep. This power station complex building can produce 100 MW (megawatts) power units which can be supplied through out Malaysia. Normally the daily operation operates at a continuous power output of 165 MW and its average annual output is 1600 GWh (Giga watt hours).
Kenyir Lake History
Kenyir Lake is the biggest man-made lake in Southeast Asia. Covered by more than 340 islands spread out in water catchments area of 38000 hectares. The biggest island would be estimated as big as Singapore. And Kenyir Lake got her name from one of the river known as Kenyir River but now the river is beneath the lake when Kenyir Lake almost filled by the rainfall and surrounding water sources.
Back to the history, this area had been listed as a centre of civilization in the era of Neolithic. Some artifact had been uncovered by a group of archeologists in 1956 and 1970’s. Such artifacts were kitchen utensil, axes and tools dating back in Neolithic era. It is believed that during that era this place was known as one of the business activity centre.
The lake is known as a unique tourist destination for her beautiful scenario of tropical forest and widely known for its valuable flora and fauna species. It is believed that the area is the habitat of more than 8000 species of flowers, 2500 species of plants and trees, 8000 species of orchids, 370 species of birds and 300 species of fresh water fish. They live in harmony and in peace in their own natural habitat. You look and learn, preserve our nature for our next generation. Give this mother nature as a gift to future. The Kenyir Lake creates and provides many amenities for total relaxation and enjoyment in a unique environment. Fishing, house boating, trekking, golfing, kayaking, camping, caving etc are some of the recreational activities the place has to offer.
Try and enjoy yourself. Without recreation, society will degenerate to biological forms devoid of soul. Whereas culture and tradition cannot be neglected lest our origins and values. The traditional nature or kampung style chalets with wooden houses of architectural designs create enlivened and enriched the area surrounding. This place is a wide area of interest for visitors to experience whatever whom you are either casual visitor or a serious scientist, lets its being in nature. Be its nature…
Gempar kisah Ikan Naga (Arapaima Gigas)
Ikan Arapaima Gigas!
Ganjaran RM10,000 Tangkap Ikan Arapaima Di Tasik Kenyir
SETIU, 2 Julai (Bernama) — Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu menawarkan ganjaran RM10,000 kepada sesiapa yang berjaya menangkap ikan Arapaima Gigas atau ikan naga di Tasik Kenyir.
Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said berkata tempoh kebenaran menangkap ikan itu bermula dari sekarang sehingga 15 Ogos ini di seluruh kawasan tasik kecuali di kawasan yang telah diwartakan sebagai Taman Negara dan Santuari Kelah.
Ikan itu yang ditangkap hidup-hidup akan ditempatkan di Mini Zoo dan Taman Rekreasi di Bukit Takal, Kemaman sebagai tarikan kepada pengunjung, katanya kepada pemberita di sini Khamis.
Katanya kaedah menangkap ikan Arapaima Gigas terhad kepada penggunaan joran dan kelili, dan setiap peserta mesti mengambil permit serta mematuhi semua undang-undang kecil berkaitan dengan aktiviti memancing di Tasik Kenyir.
Segala urusan memancing termasuk menyewa bot adalah di bawah tanggungan sendiri dan setiap peserta diwajibkan mendaftar dengan Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah (Ketengah) bagi tujuan keselamatan, katanya.
Ahmad berkata walaupun Arapaima Gigas merupakan spesies ikan yang besar, ia tidak menyerang manusia, tetapi menjadikan ikan-ikan lain di dalam tasik sebagai makanan.
“Kita khuatir dengan adanya spesies ikan yang berasal dari Sungai Amazon ini, ikan-ikan lain akan kepupusan. Kita juga bimbang ikan ini akan membiak di Tasik Kenyir yang sedang kita bangunkan sebagai destinasi pelancongan perdana di Terengganu.
“Kita tidak tahu berapa jumlah sebenarnya ikan ini di dalam Tasik Kenyir tetapi kita perlu pastikan tiada ikan pemangsa di dalam tasik buatan manusia itu. Ikan toman juga adalah pemangsa tetapi ia tidak akan membesar seperti Arapaima Gigas,” katanya.
Beliau berkata ikan Arapaima Gigas boleh membesar sehingga 4.5 meter panjang dan mencapai berat sehingga melebihi 200 kilogram.
Menurutnya, di habitat asalnya di Sungai Amazon, ikan itu diburu menggunakan lembing dan rakyat tempatan menggemari ikan itu dengan menjadikannya makanan eksotik.